
New research sheds light on incel community’s connection to mass violence

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As mass shootings, hate crimes and other acts of violence consistently make the nightly news, certain common threads have appeared to emerge. Misogynistic worldviews, coupled with what appears to be a growing online community, have brought the “incel” community into the public view. Though much has been written in the past decade about “involuntary celibates,” the rise of violent extremism, and their connection to mass violence, empirical research on this community is surprisingly scarce.

A new examination authored by University of Rhode Island Assistant Teaching Professor of Psychology Miriam Lindner aims to fill this gap. “The Sense in Senseless Violence: Male Reproductive Strategy and the Modern Sexual Marketplace as Contributors to Violent Extremism,” published in the Journal of Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, is a comprehensive look at the drivers of the incel movement through an evolutionary psychological perspective.

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