
EU Handbook Victims of Terror

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In recent times, the threat of terrorism has hung over the European Union and the rest of the world. The occurrence, on an almost regular basis, of terrorist attacks – whether by a suicide bomber or other means – has shaken society to the core, especially as EU citizens are often caught up in such events outside their home borders and even EU borders. The recovery of victims of terrorist attacks can be impacted by the way in which governments, organisations, and individuals respond to the immediate attack and by how victims are supported afterwards.

The handbook is published by the EU Centre of Expertise for Victims of Terrorism (EUCVT), which is set up and run by the European Commission. The tasks of the EU Centre are executed by a consortium led by Victim Support Europe and include ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre, Association française des Victimes du Terrorisme and Fondation Lenval.

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