
Germany’s Far Right Is Going Strengthened Into Autumn

Antisemitism and racism are on the rise. Again.

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The current governing parties in Germany – SPD (social democrats), the Greens, FDP (liberal party) – are currently at odds over everything (heating law, climate targets, support for families, etc.) and are accordingly perceived as weak and problematic. The AfD is presenting their far-right beliefs more and more openly. In an interview in September 2023 chairperson Alice Weidel portrays the liberation of Nazi Germany by the Allies as Germany’s defeat. The AfD-leader in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, called the inclusion of children with disabilities in schools an „ideological project“ from which the education system must be „liberated“ because it would not make „our students more capable“. National Socialists argued in a similar way, which led to euthanasia. Voters like it: the AfD is currently receiving top ratings in election trend polls – between 21 percent nationwide and 34 percent in Thuringia.

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