Police and civil society cooperation

Andreas Arnold
Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beelmann
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Josephine Gerlach
Agentur für Sicherheitsforschung, Kriminologie und Kriminalpolitik
Prof. Dr. Thomas Görgen
Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei
Prof. Dr. Dominic Kudlacek
Hochschule Bremerhaven
Pauline Naujoks
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Right-wing extremism is one of the greatest challenges facing society. In order to counter such activities as effectively as possible, efforts need to be made by society as a whole. In addition to law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations play a key role.
Apart from recording and examining existing cooperation projects, the BMI project CONNECT includes several international conferences on various topics in the context of cooperation as well as systematic interviews with various stakeholders in the prevention of extremism. The panel presents studies and results on cooperation between the police and civil society organizations in preventing and combating right-wing extremist crimes:
1) A. Beelmann (University of Jena): On the state of research in the prevention of radicalization
2) T. Görgen/A. Arnold (German Police University): Cooperation between police and civil society against right-wing extremism in Germany
3) P. Naujoks/A. Beelmann (University of Jena): Implementation factors and problems in the cooperation of police and civil society actors in the prevention of right-wing extremism
4) D. Kudlacek/J. Gerlach (Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences): Dealing with right-wing extremism in Europe - results of a comparative interview study
Andreas Arnold, German Police University
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beelmann, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Prof. Dr. Andreas Beelmann
Prof. Dr Andreas Beelmann is Professor of Intervention and Evaluation at the Institute of Psychology and a member of the Centre for Right-Wing Extremism Research, Democracy Education and Social Integration (KomRex) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena as well as Chairman of the Board of the German Forum for Crime Prevention Foundation. His research focuses on the development and prevention of behavioural problems and criminality in childhood and adolescence, the preparation of research reports and development-oriented radicalisation prevention.
Josephine Gerlach, Agency for Security Research, criminology and criminal policy
Prof. Dr. Thomas Görgen, German Police University
Prof. Dr. Dominic Kudlacek, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Dominic Kudlacek
Dominic Kudlacek ist Professor an der staatlichen Hochschule Bremerhaven. Seit 2019 ist er dort für den Studiengang Integrated Safety and Security Management verantwortlich. Zugleich leitet er das ebenfalls in Bremerhaven ansässige Institute for Safety and Security Studies. Gegenwärtig forscht er zu Hasskriminalität, Radikalisierung und gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung. Er ist für migrationssoziologische Studien sowie für verschiedene Projekte aus dem Gebiet der Sicherheitsforschung verantwortlich, die unter anderem für das Bundesministerium des Innern, die Europäische Kommission und das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und durchgeführt werden.
Pauline Naujoks, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
 Pauline Naujoks
Pauline Naujoks, ref. iur., is a research assistant at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena at the Institute of Psychology; current research project "Connect - Strengthening cooperation between police and civil society against right-wing extremism"

Tuesday 11th of June 2024
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Room: Halle 2