
What Netflix’s ‘Griselda’ Gets Wrong About Women in Organized Crime

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The use of violence by female criminal leaders, which is varied and complex, is regularly overlooked by researchers, security forces, and prosecutors. Violent women, especially those associated with organized crime, are treated as outliers because they defy the gender stereotype of women as natural caregivers rather than perpetrators of violence.

Netflix’s “Griselda” reinforces this and other stereotypes about women in organized crime. Despite being promoted as a groundbreaking narrative, the series portrays Blanco as a mother who had no other choice than to get into the drug trade to provide for her sons after running away to Miami to escape her husband, ignoring her actual criminal career. Throughout the six episodes of “Griselda,” women are referenced as sex objects and trophy wives with little agency who are swept along by the men who run the drug business. In the end, instead of telling the true story of a hyper-violent woman who rose through the ranks of the drug world. “Griselda” is just another narco TV show aimed at entertaining English-speaking audiences.

Read our full review of the show
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