
A Guide For Cities: Preventing Hate, Extremism & Polarisation

The Strong Cities Network has been working closely with local government officials from across its more than 200 member cities globally since its launch in 2015 to unlock the contributions that local governments, whether in urban or rural settings, can make to whole-of-society approaches to preventing hate, extremism and polarisation. In this time, many local government officials shared that they would benefit from a better understanding of the roles that cities can play (and the responsibilities they have) in addressing hate and extremism. This includes by leveraging and learning lessons from existing crime and violence prevention frameworks and approaches. Many also said that they believe that a prevention toolkit designed for local governments would help them operationalise these roles and fulfil these responsibilities.

This Guide is an attempt to capture these experiences and package them in a user-friendly way for cities. This includes local governments that want to enhance existing policies, programmes and practices or develop new ones.

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