
Call for Papers: The policing of resistance in everyday life

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Research on protest policing has been predominantly interested in public mass gatherings of social movements, namely demonstrations. Major contributions with lasting impact on the research area investigated global protest events, such as the confrontations during the Seattle WTO-protests in 1999 (Wood 2007), the G8 Summit in Genova in 2008 (della Porta, Reiter, und Peterson 2006), or the mass protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017 (Malthaner u. a. 2018).

In the Hybrid Workshop of the Working Group “Protest and Policing“ of the Institute for Protest and Social Movement Studies, taking place on 3rd November 2023, the focus will be on the policing of resistance in everyday life, which is often not covered by mass media and rarely scrutinized by protest policing research.

Get more information and submit your paper until end of June

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