
Restoring Societies. Norway after the atrocities

With restorative justice, we are accustomed to think of individuals or smaller groups of people who have been offended or lost something of importance; from dignity to material belonging. Then they meet the offender or the offenders, and an attempt is made to restore the situation, bring it back to earlier glory. In the case of the amok in Norway on July 22, 2011 an important part of a whole society was damaged, and, in the aftermath, brought through a sort of restorative process.
The speech will describe the atrocities in Norway, details of what happened, the answers to the atrocities, the court-case and why the whole process developed with dignity. Losses in life and suffering were terrible, but on some points, Norway became in this period a society with some particular qualities. Professor Christie concludes with some questions on what to do now, with the man who killed so many: his body is imprisoned, probably for life. But will his words be allowed to fleet freely from his prison-cell to the encouragement of equal-minded all over the Globe?
Nils Christie is professor of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and books, some of them published in a great number of languages. Among them are "Limits to Pain" (Oslo University Press 1981 reprinted 2008; "Grenzen des Leids": AJZ Verlag l986), "Crime Control as Industry. Towards Gulags, Western Style?" (Routledge revised and enlarged edition 2000; "Kriminalitätskontrolle als Industrie": Centaurus 1995) and "A Suitable Amount of Crime" (Routledge 2004; "Wieviel Kriminalität braucht die Gesellschaft?": Beck 2005). His last book is "Små ord for store spørsmål" ("Small words for Large Questions": Oslo University Press 2009; published in Norwegian, Danish and Russian).

Most of his writings has been in the field of crime and crime control, but he has also published books and articles on education ("Wenn es die Schule nicht gäbe": Paul List Verlag 1974), on drugs and drug control ("Der nützliche Feind": AJZ Verlag 1991), and on alternative communities - villages for extraordinary people, by many called mentally retarded: "Beyond Loneliness and Institutions"(Oslo University Press 1989; "Jenseits von Einsamkeit und Entfremdung": Verlag Freies Geistesleben 1992).


22. April 2013
15:30 - 16:30 Uhr
Internationales Forum