
Unter der Schirmherrschaft des Niedersächsischen Ministerpräsidenten David McAllister fand der 16. Deutsche Präventionstag am 30. und 31. Mai 2011 in Oldenburg statt. Das Schwerpunktthema lautete:

Neue Medienwelten - Herausforderungen für die Kriminalprävention?

Allies - Developing Teachers and Parents Alliance for early Violence Prevention in pre-School

The international ALLiES–project (EU-Daphne), coordinated by Women’s and gender studies in the University of Oulu, Finland, aims at constructing and piloting a holistic, gender sensitive measure for preventing violence for 5-7 year-old children. In addition, during the project 3 questionnaires or means for measuring- for teachers, parents and the school health care personnel – will be designed for recognizing and preventing violence among children. Expertise among school personnel, parents and child welfare team will be developed in order to recognize, prevent and intervene violence that children face in school and day care. In the activities, special attention will be paid to especially vulnerable groups at school: children with social, emotional and learning difficulties, as well as handicapped and immigrant children. Allies –programme will be piloted in Oulu, in Reykjavik and in Parma in autumn 2011.
This presentation focuses on description of the projects implications in prevention of violence. In the prevention of violence in schools, it is important to recognise power structures among children and hidden, normalized violence, which may lead to systematic bullying. A holistic, long-term approach is also crucial in creating an effective intervention.
Tuija Huuki, PhD, Master of Education, worked from 1995-2001 as a primary and special education teacher in Oulu region, 2001-2002 at University of Oulu as researcher in a research project “Gendered Power Relations and Violence in Schools and Teacher Education”, 2002-2007 special education teacher in Kello Primary School, 2005-2007 deputy headmistress of Kello Primary School, 2007-2010 University of Oulu, researcher in a research project “From Violence to Caring”. Since 2010 she is the project manager in action and research project ALLIES.
Sari Manninen, PhD, Master of Education, worked from 1994-1997 as a primary teacher in Tornio and Ylöjärvi, in 2000 as a trainer of teachers in Kemi-Tornio Polytechnic, from 2000-2007 as a special teacher for immigrant pupils in Tampere and Kello and was from 2007-2010 a researcher in a project ‘From Violence to Caring’ in University of Oulu, (Academy of Finland). Since 2010 she is a project worker in EU-Daphne project ‘ALLIES’ – Teachers and parents alliance for early violence prevention in preschool.
Michael Herschelmann, Dr. phil., Dipl.-Päd., geschäftsführender Leiter des Kinderschutz-Zentrums Oldenburg. Arbeitet seit 1997 in verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen (Praxisforschungs-)Projekten zur Prävention von (sexueller) Gewalt an Mädchen und Jungen. Seit 2010 als Experte im Projekt ALLIES.
31. Mai 2011
12:30 - 13:30 Uhr
Offenes Forum