Preventing jihadi recidivism – lessons from AMAL Program

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As designer, operational director and evaluator, I'm willing to present the AMAL program, made for the french ministry of Justice in 2 jails (including the national terrorist wings) and 12 inmates convicted or under probation in link with the Syrian jihad. tentative plan: General description, operational constraints, connections with the inmates, program content, operational and political challenges, evaluation protocole, political consequences. This program had been one of the longest ever made in france, some of the beneficiaries being non-volunteer at the beginning.

Senior fellow at Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (Paris) in charge of political violence, terrorism, jihadism and prevention. Director of AMAL Program.
Tuesday 12th of June 2018
10:00 - 10:45 am
Room: Seminar 6