
CoronaCrime #56

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The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a terrible toll on lives, illness, and economic devastation and it is having diverse effects on violence and crime. Daily Prevention News publishes weekly a Corona Crime Issue dedicated to collect related news and information.

  1. Survey suggests Police Scotland officers are stressed and close to burnout due to Covid
    Concerns have been raised over the mental health of police officers in Scotland after a new survey revealed around half are suffering from stress and burnout at work. Source: The Herald
  2. Roma mistrust in governments is an obstacle to COVID-19 recovery
    As countries across Europe race each other to vaccinate their populations against COVID-19 in the hopes of controlling the spread of the deadly virus and restoring some sense of normality, there is a danger that our already vulnerable and marginalised Roma communities will fall through the cracks. Source: ALJAZEERA
  3. COVID-19 Transmission in Prison Settings
    Prisons are highly vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreaks, with rates of infection and hospitalisation higher than in the general population, the report from the goverment’s SAGE committee, COVID-19 Transmission in Prison Settings, points out. Even as rates of infection in the wider community decline, prisons remain at high risk of outbreaks. Source: Ministry of Justice UK
  4. Juvenile Justice Agencies' Response to COVID-19
    Juvenile Justice Agencies must seek more effective measures to respond to future global health crisis, such as the current Covid-19. This study aimed to grasp the status of countermeasures taken by Juvenile Justice Agencies against Covid-19. Source: KIC

Please find more information and news about the interlinkages between the Coronavirus, Crime and Violence in German published every Tuesday on our German News Service Tägliche Präventions News.

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.