Advisory Board

In preparation for each Congress, an Advisory Board is formed, in which the organisers and congress partners are represented. The Advisory Board is responsible for issues relating to the content of the upcoming congress as well as for the outlook and initial preparations for future congresses.

Members of the Advisory Board of the 30th German Prevention Congress 

Prof. Dr. Marc Coester
Scientific Consultant of the German Prevention Congress, Berlin School of Exonomics and Law, Berlin

Stefan Daniel
Executive Director of the Stiftung Deutsches Forum Kriminalprävention (DFK), Bonn

Dr. Claudia Heinzelmann
Senior Project Manager of the German Prevention Congress, Hannover

Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Kerner
Congress President of the German Prevention Congress, Tübingen

Dr. Susanne Mädrich
Head of Division at the Federal Ministry of Justice (BMJ), Berlin

Erich Marks
Executive Director of the German Prevention Congress, Hannover

Andreas Mayer
Member of the board of foundation of the German Foundation for Crime Prevention and Offender Assistance (DVS), Cologne

Frank Pintsch
Head of the Department for Citizens' Affairs, Order, Personnel, Digitization and Organization of the City of Augsburg

Joachim Schneider
Executive Director ProPK – Polizeiliche Kriminalprävention der Länder und des Bundes, Stuttgart

Michael Schwald
State Police President of the Bavarian Police

Céline Sturm
Coordinator of the Department of Prevention in the WEISSER RING e.V., Mainz

Prof. Dr. Gina Rosa Wollinger
University of Police and Public Administration North Rhine-Westphalia

Tatjana Zimmer-Brockschnieder
Consultant at the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), Berlin