
DPT-TV: Violence Prevention in Schools & Sexual Abuse

More news about the topic

Programme for our international audience on November 23

11.00 am CEST
News and reports from the field of prevention
Every Wednesday DPT-TV presents 10 minutes of “DPT-News” reporting and discussing current prevention topics. The DPT-News part is freely accessibly and does not require registration. Find all the past DPT-News on our Youtube Channel. From April onwards DPT-News are translated into English.

11.10 am CEST
Violence prevention in schools. Findings – Concepts – Approaches

Dr. Sarah Riese & Dr. Albrecht Lüter (CAMINO / Berlin Office for the Prevention of Violence)

The Corona pandemic has created significant challenges for schools. Recent surveys indicate that schools face ongoing challenges in coping with the impacts of the pandemic, that educational inequalities have widened, and that student behaviour problems have increased. Against this background, school-based prevention remains of central importance.
The lecture reports on current approaches and practical examples for the further development of school prevention on the basis of projects of the Berlin Office for the Prevention of Violence. Based on the monitoring of violence prevention, data on the incidence of violence at Berlin schools as well as further questions on information systems on the social situation at schools will be discussed.

11.40 am CEST
Mothers as complainants in cases of sexual abuse
Rainer Becker (Deutsche Kinderhilfe – Die ständige Kindervertretung e.V.)

Case analyses and studies indicate that mothers who report their (former) partners because of indications of sexual abuse of their child and can only base this on the testimony of the child concerned, are more likely than average to run the risk that contact/custody will remain as it was or that custody will even be reversed in favour of the accused. If they try to avoid this and do not file a complaint, they endanger the welfare of the child and may even be liable to prosecution under § 171 of the Criminal Code (StGB) for violating their duty of care. This is favoured by the so-called null hypothesis of the Federal Supreme Court regarding the evaluation of statements made by the child concerned or its mother and by deficits in the assessment of the risk situation in youth welfare offices and family courts. It is not uncommon that children affected are even required ex officio to continue or resume contact with the accused despite the fact that the criminal investigation has not yet been completed.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.