
DPT-TV: The children returning from the Islamic State

DPT-TV Programme of the week for our international audience:

May 4, 2022 – 11.10 am CEST
Lecture: The children returning from the Islamic State (Sofia Koller, CEP)

The lecture explores the question of how different countries, including Germany, France and Iraq, deal with minors who have lived with the IS. On the one hand, it will deal with challenges such as balancing educational, psychosocial and security-related requirements. It will also present best practices, e.g. for cooperation and communication between relevant actors, as well as identify needs for action that are also relevant for German actors in prevention work.

May 4, 2022 – 11.40 am CEST
Project Presentation: Nazi symbols and Holocaust denial in school chats (Michael Wörner-Schappert, jugendschutz.net)
What can be done when pupils in the 7th and 8th-grade share anti-Semitic or racist content in messengers/chat groups, show Nazi symbols, relativise, trivialise or even deny National Socialism and its crimes? Together with students and teachers from a school affected by such an incident, jugendschutz.net developed a concept idea for dealing with such situations. This resulted in a multiday comprehensive training for dealing with such hate postings, which compensates for the lack of knowledge due to the curriculum and is to be concluded with workshops for sensitisation and empowerment for pupils oriented towards their needs and interests. In this short lecture, the concept will be presented and there will be room for discussion and suggestions for implementation.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.