
Webconference: Mitigating Polarisation – Lessons from the Restorative Justice Approach

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Polarisation can be understood as a process of sharpening differences between groups in society that can result in increased tensions. It is a potential amplifying cause of the diverse psychological and social factors that make people vulnerable to radicalisation.

In order to effectively prevent radicalisation we need to understand the dynamics of polarisation: how do ‘us-and-them thinking’, social division and hostility gain ground in our communities? And how can we effectively intervene into such extremist dynamics and build bridges to foster social cohesion?

In this webconference, Efus will approach the topic from the perspective of restorative justice. Key RJ concepts and measures such as accountability, mediation, respect and dialogue have a long and successful history in alleviating the harms of violence and crime. What can we learn from the approach when we seek to mitigate polarisation?

The webconference takes place at Thursday, 30 April from 9:30am to 13:15pm (with breaks). 

More information about the agenda and registration

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.