
Rule and Resistance Beyond the Nation State

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Resistance appears in many different shapes and forms. It is about forming assemblies, engaging in collective and/or individual protests, involves delay tactics or direct oppositions, refusals to collaborate or the creation of alternatives - and much more. It involves power relations, violence and reshaping our political, physical and social environments.

Practices of resistance might be played out by individuals or groups in local, national or international spaces and embrace activities, which are to be seen as constructive, productive, emotional, invisible, grand, hindering or up-scaled. It might challenge, redirect, subvert, mitigate or evade mechanisms and manifestations of power; it might even produce new forms of power. It permeates all that we recognise as culture, material settings and the very conditions of human existence, such as, life and death. And, it seems to be one of the most important engines of social change.

To cover all these aspects of resistance, the Resistance studies series publishes original research on a wide range of issues, such as, subversive emotions, revolutionary struggles, political subjectivities, precarious resistance, the dynamics of dissident communities or belongings, and covering a wide range of productive resistance practices.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.