
Violence against women in Finland

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Finland has adopted several measures to implement the Istanbul Convention, such as adopting the Action Plan for the Istanbul Convention (2018-2021), setting up a co-ordinating committee (NAPE) to ensure progress across the relevant line ministries, and funding the national helpline Nollalinja. Another positive development are amendments to the Act on State Compensation to Providers of Shelter Services. These amendments ensure increased funding for domestic violence shelters through compensation by the central government instead of the municipalities, which allows the admission of all women, regardless of nationality, residence or other status.

The Council of Europe’s Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO) welcomes Finland´s efforts to increase services to victims, including offering funding for more shelters, but points out in a report, that a review of the criminal offences is needed to adequately cover rape, sexual violence, stalking, sexual harassment, female genital mutilation and forced marriage.

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