
European local elected representatives stand for a local drug policy based on the principles of harm reduction

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The executive committee of the European forum for urban security (Efus), reunited on 27 and 28 November in Amiens, adopted a resolution for a local drug policy. Drug policies must take a balanced approach based on equal proportion on the principles of prevention, repression and social cohesion. They must be based on a solid cooperation between local, regional, national and international levels of government as well as law enforcement agencies and civil society and seek to reduce drug demand and supply while decreasing the harm caused to our societies by traffic and consumption. Local and regional authorities lay a particular emphasis on the development of integrated local harm reduction strategies as well as on the role of supervised drug consumption facilities (SDCFs), which have already brought promising results in several European countries.

Efus wishes to reaffirm the key role of local authorities to develop counter-strategies and encourage them to realise the ambitions expressed by the European Union in the European Drug Strategy 2013-2020 and the relating EU Action Plan on Drugs 2017-2020.

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