Prospects for EU-funded security research – The ethics of impact outside the EU discourse

Dr. Caroline. L. Davey
University of Salford
Andrew B. Wootton
University of Salford

European-funded security research and innovation aims at “protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens”, and is funded through the Framework 7 and Horizon2020 “Secure societies” programmes.

The EU commission has funded a project named “SecurePART” to help engage Civil Society Organisations (CSOs – a term used by the EU Commission) in European security research. The involvement of such groups is positioned as a method for addressing a range of thorny ethical and practical objectives—including data protection, privacy, meeting user needs and creating positive societal impact. However, there has been little discussion to date about: (a) the valid role of CSOs in research projects; and (b) improving the quality and practical impact of EU security research.

This presentation will contribute to debate about ‘value’ and ‘ethics’ in the context of security at a European level. This is an important discussion, not least because significant public funds are being invested in research and development of technological solutions that aim to counter terrorism, manage borders, respond to disasters and tackle cybercrime. While such technology projects are claimed to support the economic development aims of the European Union, this leaves limited scope within the EU research
programme for research into tackling the daily crime and insecurity problems facing citizens.

Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
Extract from the book
(English, PDF)


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