Preventing risky behaviours among young people in local communities: the Polish experience

Adam Mickiewicz University Faculty of Educational Studies

The rise of the deviant behaviours and the increasing number of socially maladjusted young people are an important field of research searches.
In my presentation I would like to demonstrate Polish experience in preventing youth risky behaviours based on the example of two schemes: “Threats Observatory for Young People” and “School free from the violence and drugs”.
The Observatory is an interdisciplinary body whose members are representatives of institutions from the Wielkopolska region that are involved in work with young people. The fundamental part of the project is conducting a broad diagnosis of threats and taking appropriate informative, training, and preventive actions.
The important aims of the programme “School free from the violence and drugs” are an introduction and realization of uniform forms of the cooperation of the school communities (schools, parents and pupils), police and the municipal guard in the scope of counteracting addictions and other risky behaviours. The integral part of the programme were researches conducted by the Department of Resocialization of the Faculty of Educational Studies Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
Adam Mickiewicz University Faculty of Educational Studies
Szamarzewskiego 89
50-658 POZNAN
20. + 21. Mai 2019
Foyer Estrel Saal