
Anti-corruption platform in West Africa - #WestAfricaLeaks

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West Africa is a crucial point of contact between Latin-America, Europe, North Africa, Southern Africa, the Middle East and parts of Asia, and yet it remains vastly underdeveloped. Fueled by corruption and bad governance, illicit trafficking, and organized crime have destabilizing effects going well beyond local communities in the Sahel region. This illegal economy provides lucrative opportunities for unscrupulous politicians at all levels of government in West African countries while exploiting poor people living mainly in border areas.

Journalism - free, independent and with high quality standards - is key to contributing to accountability and the promotion of good public policy and good governance in West Africa and promoting democracy. The Cell Norbert Zongo for Investigative Journalism in West Africa is a groundbreaking project for data and cross-border investigation in the region. It aims to strengthen the capacities of investigative journalists in the region through training, mentoring, grants, networking, legal advice, technical support for investigations, and provision of a publication platform.

As a center for investigative journalism in the region, CENOZO provides international partners with a safe space with trusted professionals to collaborate and understand the impact of West Africa in their own context.

Learn more about CENOZO and read articles about fighting corruption, organized crime, terrorism and human rights violations in West Africa.


Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.