
Jihadist Dehumanisation Scale: an interesting way to assess radicalisation

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Researchers from the University of France concluded dehumanisation as a key process in terms of dangerousness assessment. The assumption underlying Jihadist Dehumanisation Scale is that Jihadist dangerousness is considered to be directly linked with the dehumanisation level, understood in its psychological sense and which leads attacks perpetrators to consider as “non-human” those who do not share the same ideology. Dehumanisation, which is the act of perceiving or treating people as if they are less than human, might constitute the “individual change” that occurs in a context of Muslim radicalisation, even if transitions mechanisms are not very clear.

Dehumanisation has emerged as a major research issue on intergroup relations in the last sixty years, especially on racial and ethnic discriminations and violence, but also more recently on intergroup relations with immigrants, asylum seekers, and psychiatric patients.

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