
2nd implementation report of the European Lanzarote Committee to protect children against sexual abuse

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In a new implementation report published in February, the Council of Europe’s Lanzarote Committee analyses the strategies used by 26 European countries to protect children against sexual abuse in the circle of trust (extended family and persons close to the child who exercise influence over the child).

According to the report, states-parties to the Council of Europe’s Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (Lanzarote Convention) are undertaking effective steps in this field. Enabling children to take an active part in the development and adoption of policies is a highly promising practice. Almost all parties’ national authorities cooperate with civil society organisations and the private sector in awareness–raising, education and training of people working with children to prevent child sexual abuse. 

The report stresses the important role of the media in informing about child sexual abuse paying particular attention to the full respect for the privacy and the rights of the child. In Croatia and Romania, for instance, it is prohibited to reveal the identity or any other information about the private life of a child.

Full report of the European Lanzarote Committee
Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.